Saturday, July 9, 2011

So Many Freebies Your Head Will Explode!

Ok so I am participating in the Design Factor hosted by Digi Scrap Connect

I have my entries for the first 3 weeks (which are free kits), 2 new kits in store, and a freebie add-on of my 2nd week entry.


If you download please inspire me to create more freebies by leaving me a note!
Happy Creating

Friday, June 10, 2011

Layouts, Kits, and Freebies

So I have had A LOT on my plate, what with my twins 5yr old Birthday Celebration-pa-loza. (As in 4-5 b-day celebrations spread out over 1-2 weeks)

Class Party, B-Day Evening Dinner, Picture Session and Chuck-E-Cheese (for the first time), Saturday family B-Day party, first Cardinal Baseball game. Six Flags for the first time, 5yr old check up complete with 4 shots each, and on friday our first summer trip to the zoo. Seriously all of this in the past 2 weeks. Not to mention the last day of school and the school carnival. I am pooped!

So I have had 2 new kits out but totally forgot to post the details and the freebie add-ons!
Also I have another new kit coming out this friday, and 2 next friday. WHAT!? Crazy right?
Please remember all images are clickable and will take you to my store, my gallery, or my download.

 5 Years Old


 Love You


 Love you to the MOON


 This came out the Friday before last!


 This came out last Friday!


 Coming out today!


 Here is a LO made using my 2 new kits from my new collection coming out next Friday!

Turning 5


 ALRIGHT the real reason you are here the FREEBIEs.
Since I missed the last two weeks I have 3 freebies.

 Happy Creating

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Kit, Layouts, and FREEBIE!

Hello all!

Here is a new kit in store today!
I also have a coordinating add-on free.

All images are clickable.

 Here is your FREEBIE! Enjoy.


 Happy Creating

Monday, May 9, 2011


I wanted to apologize for the freebies not working. I have been gone all weekend, and wasn't aware the links was taking you guys somewhere they shouldn't.

This is my first time using

Here are all the freebies, you may have missed.

These should all work. If there are any more problems please let me know, I worked on these freebies so that you could enjoy them!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy iNSD Day After! Freebie inside.

Happy day after iNSD!
Did you get a lot of shopping done already this weekend? I know I started Thursday!

My sale is still going till midnight tonight, so grab my goodies before they are full price again!

All images are clickable!


Here is today's coordinating freebie

 Happy Creating

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy iNSD! Freebie inside.

Happy iNSD everyone!

I just wanted to let you know about the sale I have going on this weekend at Plain Digital Wrapper.

All images are clickable!





Here is today's coordinating freebie

Happy Creating

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy iNSD Eve! Freebie inside.

Good morning and happy iNSD eve.

Today I have 3 new kits in store for you, and I also have a coordinating add-on freebie for each kit, given out one a day all weekend long!

First here are the new kits.

(all images are linked, so please click to be taken to store)

 Here is your 1st freebie of iNSD weekend


Happy Creating